Hit Subscribe Video Archives: Is Teaching Software Development Scalably a Good Niche?

In our latest video Erik goes over whether or not teaching software development is a good niche.
Here are five key points from the transcript:

  1. Niche vs. Specialty: The speaker differentiates between a niche, which is about unfulfilled market demand, and a specialty, which is what an individual is particularly skilled at.
  2. Market Viability: The concept of creating scalable resources to teach software development is evaluated. While there's a large market of software developers, the speaker highlights the challenges of a B2C model, including the commodification of educational content and competition from free resources.
  3. Diminishing Returns on Skill: The speaker discusses how improving a developer’s skill level can reach a point of diminishing returns, where additional expertise offers less economic value to a business, which complicates the value proposition of upskilling developers.
  4. Challenges in Monetization: There’s a difficulty in convincing companies to invest in upskilling their developers, as the economic value of enhanced developer skills isn't always clear-cut or justified by the business.
  5. Potential Business Strategy: To create a viable business, the speaker suggests focusing on specific niches within software development rather than a broad approach, possibly shifting from B2C to a B2B model where there might be clearer economic value in upskilling.

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Jamie Larson