Hit Subscribe Video Archives: Can You Make a Living Selling Info Products as a Tech Expert?

A gem from our archives addresses a reader question about info products.

Key points:

  • Personal Experience:Eric has built a substantial audience over the years and made some money selling info products as a side hustle. However, he argues that scaling this into a full-time income is highly challenging.
  • Challenges of Info Products:High Competition: Info products often compete with free resources.Low Value: They are inherently lower in value compared to done-for-you services.Market Demand: Many info products are created based on the creator's interests rather than market demand.B2C Nature: Selling to individual consumers who generally don't have large amounts of money to spend.
  • Alternative Approaches:Side Hustle: Treat info products as a fun side project rather than a main income source.Media Property: Build a larger media property to attract advertising and sponsorship deals.Consulting/Training: Use info products as marketing tools to sell higher-value services like consulting or training.
  • Conclusion:While it is theoretically possible to make a living from selling info products, it is highly unlikely. Eric recommends using info products to support other business models rather than relying on them as the sole source of income.

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Jamie Larson